S/V Koinonia Weekly Sailing Log - B-day, Spanish Wells, N. Eleuthera (Wed Mar 29 - Tue Apr 4, 2023)
Updated: Jun 8, 2023
Highlights this week: Birthday celebrations for Ben and Tommy; leaving Spanish Wells; snorkeling, spear fishing, and beach fun with S/V Happy Pancake around Current Cut in North Eleuthera. Loss amd recovery of a dive watch; reuniting with friends Marc and Nancy on S/V "Mer Du Jour;" cooking with our solar oven.
Wed 3/29 - held off our departure from Spanish Wells until Mon. Changed the coconut media in the aft toilet. Amber and kids went to Romana’s to do laundry. Filled the dinghy with air and the repair seems to be holding. Hallelujah!! Cleaned interior of the boat (again) to host guests. Amber and Tracy host a birthday party for Tommy, Cripy, and Ben dockside. We enjoy red velvet cake, crème cake, coconut cream pie, and lots of other treats dockside; Spanish Wells friends come aboard Koinonia for a tour.

Thu 3/30 - Ben’s birthday today, so took a family holiday (aka no school). Amber made her famous Irish soda bread. Amber and the kids made a banner for Ben’s birthday. Amber now has laryngitis. Made water at the dock. Went to the North beach in the afternoon and it was crazy windy; walked to the west side of the island by the park, where it was calm. Had a delicious dinner of meat and veggie pastry; watched the first Transformers movie with the kids.
Fri 3/31 - Amber, Ben, and kids do school. Ben read from The Pilgrim’s Progress and history book about Antibellum America. Ben spent some time working on our fishing gear. Watched the Spanish Wells lobster fleet return as the season is now officially closed. Fun fact: Spanish Wells provides the vast majority of the lobster sold by the restaurant chain, Red Lobster. Pizza and movie night with Tommy and Tracy aboard Koinonia. Pizza homemade by Latoya Wenger. So delicious!
Sat 4/1 - Tommy Knox’s birthday today. Had breakfast then went to meet S/V Happy Pancake at Budda’s Restaurant (correct spelling). Food was ok but the service was not. Spent the afternoon at the beautiful north beach. Amber went to Food Fair for a final provisioning run. Cripy and Romana brought us an amazing dinner, since Amber hasn't been feeling well. Ben sharpened the spears for our Hawaiian Slings. Kids watched the original “X Men” movie for the first time.

Sun 4/2 - our last day in Spanish Wells before sailing south. Amber wasn’t feeling well, so we worshipped at home as a family with Bethany Place Baptist (church in Virginia). Said “farewells” and “see ya soons” to Tommy and Tracy of S/V Sailin’ Shoes and the Wenger Family. Paid Johnny Underwood for our slip rental and electricity, which came to $610 US for 18 days. Departed the dock ~ 4pm to catch the rising tide and anchored on the west side of Current Cut by our Swedish friends on S/V "Happy Pancake." Amber made Hoppin’ John for dinner. Sundowners in the cockpit of Happy Pancake while the kids played.
Mon 4/3 - had a poor night of sleep due to rolly conditions in the anchorage; got up and kids did some school work, then we loaded up the boat to go snorkeling/ spearing with Happy Pancake around the cut. Ben lost his dive watch overboard but, miraculously, Annie spotted it and was able to recover it from the ledge in 30ft of water. Saw lots of fish and some reef sharks. Ben saw the biggest Nassau Grouper we’ve seen so far and some nice mangrove snappers. Kids played on the beach and built a fort and a fire pit out of big shells and coral. Watched Marc and Nancy on S/V Mer Du Jour sail through the cut around 1:30pm. Finished fishing at 5pm, had some grilled fish over the fire and roasted marshmallows for the kids. Went back to the boat, got showers, went to Marc and Nancy’s and learned to play card game called “7s.”
Tue 4/4 - quiet time on the boat, breakfast, Amber and kids do school. Ben and Olof head to Current Cut for spearing at slack tide. Got a few nice Nassau Grouper. Amber made banana bread in the solar oven and it turned out AMAZING! Dinner with Olof, Annie, Lisa, and Felix aboard Koinonia before we sail to the Exumas tomorrow!
The Koinonia Crew