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S/V Koinonia Weekly Sailing Log - Returning to Martinique (Wed Nov 22 - Tue Nov 28, 2023)

Highlights this week: getting underway, departing Grenada, and making an overnight passage to Martinique.  Catching some fish and losing others along the way inspired us to rig a more robust hand -line setup. Enjoying the variety and availability of provisions in the French Islands and the charm and climate of Sainte-Anne, Martinique; celebrating Thanksgiving.

Wed Nov 22nd - left St George’s Harbor around 6:40am; waved goodbye to our dear friends on SV BAGIA.  Conditions were mostly good but sporty at times in the channels between the islands. Ben caught a nice wahoo and even gaffed it, but it went wild and threw the hook and shook free of the gaff, so, very sadly, he lost it.  We did catch a small blackfin tuna and a small mahi.  We hooked several other big fish on hand lines but they all got off, so we are going to rig a more robust system for our hand lines when we get settled in Martinique.  Our B&G v50 VHF wireless handset, which stays in the cockpit, has stopped communicating with the base unit; apparently it’s a known issue with no fix except to upgrade.  Fortunately, we do have a handheld VHF that we were able to use instead.

A massive cruise ship crosses our wake in the night, departing from St Vincent

Sea birds hoping we spook an easy meal of flying fish as "Koinonia" makes for Martinique.

Thu Nov 23rd - arrived in Sainte-Anne, Martinique around 8am on Thanksgiving Day.  Picked out a nice spot in the anchorage, then got the boat tidied up. Nice breeze and cooler temps, despite the intense UV/ sunlight.  Amber did a load of laundry on the boat. Started prepping for our Thanksgiving feast making homemade turkey and veggie stock and cornbread. Went ashore around 3pm to clear in at the little sandwich shop, where we enjoyed coffee and sodas. Went looking for the bakery, but it was closed so we went to the Carrefour Market and were quickly reminded of one of the reasons we love the French Islands; they have everything and the prices are very good!  Returned to the boat and finished making dinner:  roasted turkey sections (couldn’t get a whole turkey), dressing, cranberry sauce, homemade gravy, corn on the cob, and pound cake with strawberry’s and whipped cream.

Fri Nov 24th - the weather in Sainte-Anne, Martinique is beautiful. Constant breeze, surprisingly dry air, abundant sunshine, and relatively cool temps right now.  Typical school day today; Ben traded stocks (the market closed early today). Re-rigged all the hand-lines with a much stronger setup. Grilled eggplant to make eggplant parmesan for dinner. Amber had a bad headache today but took a nap in the afternoon and was much improved by dinner.  Ben is back testing a revised trading strategy which he plans on implementing next week.

Sat Nov 25th - called and spoke with the mechanic in St Martin about the projects for our haul out, including replacing our engine drive shaft seal, etc; He spoke English and Ben had a good impression of him.  Amber was still not feeling 100%, so we decided to hold off going ashore until tomorrow. Made wild rice and turkey soup for dinner.  Kids watched the movie “Napolean Dynamite” for the first time; it was just as stupid as we remember.  Ben fixed a wiring issue with one of the under cabinet lights, then caught up with his cousin Brooks on the phone.

Sun Nov 26rd - Ben made water and washed a load of clothes on the boat.  We love our Seawater Pro 40gph 110v water maker!  Had our usual time of Sunday worship, then got ready to go ashore, dropped off the trash, and walked around downtown for the afternoon.  Stopped at Carrefour market and grabbed some items on our grocery list.

Mon Nov 27th - typical school day; Ben traded stocks; did some work for a brokerage client who is looking for a 60-70ft trawler. Had a good rain today which helped rinse the salt off the boat. Amber called and secured a rental car for Fri - Mon for 30€ per day, so we can explore the island before we get back underway. Went ashore in the afternoon to return a set of faulty Christmas lights we purchased at a local boutique and then do some shopping. Stopped at an ice cream shop, something we haven’t seen in months.  Amber made tacos for dinner.

Tue Nov 28th - typical school day; Ben traded stocks (testing a modified strategy).  Prepared homemade chicken stock all afternoon, then scrubbed the waterline of the boat, which was covered in a very stubborn bright green mossy growth; only managed to finish the port side before dark.  The kids swam off the back of the boat until well after dark.  Ben made chicken noodle soup for dinner with the stock. Amber had a headache today but felt better after dinner.  Lizzy baked homemade Snickerdoodle cookies.

God Bless

S/V Koinonia


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