S/V Koinonia Weekly Sailing Log - Exploring Grenada Week 3 (Wed Sep 20 - Tue Sep 26, 2023)

Highlights this week, made some new friends on Sailing Life Warriors and spent time with our other boat friends on SV Auralis. Ate lunch at Patrick's then got to try the Grenadian specialty: nutmeg ice cream. Maddy took her jewelry to the Sailor's Market; Ben and Amber tackled cleaning the bottom of the boat; Ben started learning a new CAD program for 3D printing and also started a course on equity investing. Otherwise, a relatively routine week of school work and routine boat chores.
Wed Sep 20 - Amber and the kids do school. Ben cut up a whole bag of guava, pureed, and strained it to make juice. Amber spent time today catching up with old friends and family on the phone regarding her brother passing. Ben and our new friend, Martin of SV Auralis, shared a taxi to Budget Marine and then to Ace Hardware. Came back to the boat and, after school, went to meet up with several other boat families for wing night at the Yacht Club, including Sailing Life Warriors, SV Auralis, and the three boys on SV Bagia. The wings were pretty good and incredibly cheap ($1 EC/ $0.37 US each). We got much needed rain during the night; this was the first rain since we arrived in Grenada almost two weeks ago. Madelyn seems to have an infected toe, so Ben did some first aid to treat it.
Thu Sep 21 - the kids made breakfast this morning; eggs, cheese, black beans, and corn tortillas. Moved to a different mooring ball to get away from the large party boat/ bar at the far north side of the mooring field; we can’t deal with the loud music and flashing lights all night on the weekends. Kids did school but wrapped up early and spent most of the afternoon playing with boat kids on SV Auralis. Amber continued conversations with family about arrangements and logistics regarding her middle brother’s funeral. Ben has been learning to use a CAD program for 3D printing and designed a really cool Mario Bros chess set for the girls (we don’t have a 3D printer on the boat but this is a skill will come in handy later). The harbor was unusually rolly today due to lack of wind to lay down the swell. Made water. Kids took a ride on an inflatable hotdog with their friends. Afterward, Aliza told us, "I've tasted danger...and I love it!" Amber made a pasta dish for dinner.
Fri Sep 22 - more rain today. Ben continued working on the shower; prepping for paint. The kids and Amber did school, then played with their friends on Auralis. Madelyn called the marina and got permission to join the cruisers market tomorrow morning to sell her jewelry. Ben and Amber donned the dive gear and worked to clean the bottom of the boat; the growth down here is aggressive. This was a good distraction for everyone. A school of small jacks swam all around feasting on the critters coming off the boat. Showers for all then made breakfast for dinner. Madelyn’s toe is not showing improvement so we started her on antibiotics, just in case.

Sat Sep 23 - took the kids ashore and let Maddy join the Sailor’s Market with her jewelry stand, then went to lunch at Patrick’s with our German friends on SV Auralis. Went to Victory to try the local nutmeg ice cream everyone has been telling us about. Took Maddy and Lizzy to SV Life Warrior to have a sleep over with their new friend, Landon. Went back to the boat with Aliza and then let her swim and play with the other boat kids on SV Auralis while the adults enjoyed some fresh guava juice that Ben made while watching the sunset from the fly bridge. Went home and got showers. Aliza slept in the bed with mom and dad.
Sun Sep 24 - worship at home today; took the pony dive tanks to get them filled at Eco Dive, then went back to the boat and got dressed to go ashore to pick up the big girls from their sleepover. They were still watching a movie so the parents went to happy hour at Knife and Fork. Ordered dinner to go and then went home to the boat. At some point after we got home, Aliza decided to spray herself with Fabreeze air freshener in the hope of avoiding a shower! Maddy’s toe is looking a little improved today.
Mon Sep 25 - rainy today. Ben caught a break and went ashore to pick up the laundry, pick up some groceries, top up on gas, and pick up a few more items to finish the shower floor repairs. Amber made toasted hoagies for lunch and an enchilada casserole for dinner.
Tue Sep 26 - Amber and the kids do school. Ben continued work on fairing the shower floor and started a free course on equity investing via our brokerage account. After school, Aliza went to play and swim with her friends on the boat next door. Ben made a bolognese pasta for dinner. Madelyn’s toe is looking much better; thankfully we started the antibiotics when we did.
God Bless,
S/V Koinonia